Nurturing Critically Engaged Citizens, April 21, 2018

Preschool-2nd-Grade  Educators’ Diversity Summit
Hosted by The School in Rose Valley 

This full-day conference will feature a variety of workshops that offer educators of our youngest students a chance to delve into topics surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion in their practice. We’re excited to welcome two dynamic speakers: University of Pennsylvania professor and best-selling author, Dr. Howard Stevenson and Erica Snowden, Lower School Dean of Students at Greene Street Friends School and a contributing author of The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys as our keynote speakers. A book store will be available with a wide selection of books appropriate for this age group.

Safe to Be Me! - ESDD 2023

At GPDC's 5th Elementary School Diversity Day, students in grades...

UPSTANDERS: Speak Up! Speak Out! - ESDD 2021

At GPDC's 4th Elementary School Diversity Day, students explored issues...